Jan 31, 2020
Our latest episode of The Global Cable features our
Distinguished Visiting Fellow Beatrice Fihn. Fihn
leads the International Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). In
2017, she received the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of ICAN,
recognizing its work towards the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons.
Jan 24, 2020
Our latest episode of The Global Cable features our Visiting Fellow Derek Chollet, Executive Vice President and Senior Advisor for security and defense policy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States. He served in senior positions during the Obama administration at the White House, State Department, and...
Jan 17, 2020
The Global Cable is back for the new year with a conversation
with Michael Weisberg. He is the Professor and Chair of Philosophy
at the University of Pennsylvania, and this year he’s the inaugural
Penn Faculty Fellow at Perry World House.
Professor Weisberg is currently working on initiatives in the