Jun 27, 2018
In July 2018, a high-level political forum on sustainable development will undertake a review of several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As this high-level forum explores the theme of "transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies," we have taken a step back to connect current research on sustainable urban development to global policy on and responses to some of today's most pressing global issues. How are mayors responding to refugee crises? How can cities have a voice in international climate agreements? What does this all have to do with the US policy of separating illegally entering families at the border? Listen now to find out.
This episode features William Burke-White, the Inaugural Director of Perry World House and an expert on international law and global governance; Eugenie Birch, the Director of Penn Institute for Urban Research (IUR) and an expert on global urbanization and the implementation of the UN's New Urban Agenda; and Anne C. Richard, former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration and Perry World House Visiting Fellow.
Read the papers discussed in the episode here: http://penniur.upenn.edu/wuf9
Music and produced by Tre Hester.